Friday, July 3, 2009

First Time Buyers Taking Advantage of Opportunities...

It seems like we Realtors are constantly trying to dispel the myths created by the negative spin the media constantly puts on the real estate market. There is no doubt that everyone would agree, many people have seen a decline in their property values, there are a lot of foreclosures out there, as well as a lot of people underwater in their mortgages... But the truth is, the decline in values and availability of properties, combined with the low interest rates being offerered by most lenders, have created a tremendous opportunity for buyers to snatch up properties at some excellent prices. Many people who could not afford a home before and through it would be many years if ever before they could, suddenly find that the opportunity for home ownership is finally within their reach and actually can become a reality. Properties can now be purchased and financed for about the same price as a monthly rent payment, allowing people to realize their dream..

Check out this LA Times article talking about the opportunities open to first time buyers - the text of the article can be found HERE.

Don't forget about the $8,000.00 tax credit for first time homebuyers, too!! Time is running out - it is available through November 30, 2009, and escrow must be CLOSED by that date...

If you want more information about how you can take advantage of this dynamic market, please email me at or call me at 323-810-7976.

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